How to write blog ??
Very simple question when we think but it's seems hard when we sit towards the screen and start typing words , Most of researches says that blog have minimum 300 letters and in starting period HARD to write that much without reference only with hand and screen so Let's begin some IDEAS which will help you to crack this problem .
Let's define some questions that's we got before write a blog :
- Is our Blog SEO friendly ?
- Is our Blog famous ?
- Is our Blog have good content ?
- Is our Blog viral ?
- Is our Blog good looking ?
We will discuss above topics in this content most of topic you know it may be but some of will help you a lot so stay connected .
SEO Friendly
SEO Friendly blog means you have to understand google what you write cause as you all know google use software that call CRAWL is observe and get help you to rank your post .
- only use one H1 tag means Heading that identify your heading in blog .
- Bold your text ( keywords ) that you used in your blog .
- Give sub-headings to your blog that means H2 tag .
- Example you are learning on page SEO if i am write about off page SEO then in H2 SEO your blog and in H3 tag on page SEO and off page SEO also in H3 tag .
- Use minimum 2 images that contact your reader . Go to Image property and use your keyword in alt text that also help google to identify your Blog .
Is your blog famous ?
To Famous our blog It's compulsory to maintain some rules that also help us to Famose and earn more money / gain more knowledge .
- Regularity is must to be famous our blog . It's also affect in SEO ranking
- Spread knowledge of your style that people love to know .
- To famous work with heart not to earn or any other benefits .
- To famous Help people and give some values to them .
- Don't use any advertise platform for your blog . ( if you get monthly 2500+ visitors then use it )
" Content Is King "
Visit my another blog How to Star blog ??
Is your blog good looking ?
Hardest question for every blogger ...
- Our motive is engage our reader and share value after write whole blog read it once or twice .
- Maximum 4 lines in paragraph so reader don't get bored .
- Use Images that give values to your reader .
- Keep some Interesting facts or examples in between your content .
- Tell about yourself or about your experience related to your topic ( niche ) .
- Funny side of mine is before few months ago i have 00 knowledge of blogging i just finding ways to earn money for it i made instagram page tried affiliate marketing and tried lots of earning Apps but all ideas are not good as blogging So learn on this 24*7 and now i can write on blogging or speaking hours and hours .
- Use jokes or funny cartoons if you have topic that kind .
Is your blog viral ?
To viral blog or our any content we have to do some different things like foolish side ( In TikTok ) or we have to show some decent knowledge / experience .
We are not joker or we should not do that all funny works so we meet here now how to show ourselves better .
If you wanna be viral think International not stick with your nation topics some points are ...
- Write your blog in which country have less blogger .
- Find there trending topic and get reference .
- 15th august many of us think to viral whatsApp script but if your search for pakistan you will get very less script there you have better chance to viral your blog .
- Use google translate and post your blog in their language .
- Search their festive and in advance write Blog about it and schedule your post before 10-12 days .
Is our Blog have good content ?
- Content is KING .
- Choose Niche that known by you .
- On your Niche you can speak 5-7 hours continue .
- Before write your blog , visit few blogs related to your Niche and observe that .
- Use Keyword Everywhere Tool that give ideas for your related keyword .
Hope some information is useful for you .
i really want to earn cash with my free blog